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Insights from Eddie Fang, a Successful SDR Team Lead
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Eddie Fang’s Journey - From BDR to SDR Team Lead

Being a Sales Development Representative (SDR) is challenging — it’s a role that demands constant growth, learning, and adaptability. To help you succeed, we spoke with Eddie Fang, an experienced SDR who climbed the ranks to become a Team Lead at Qualify. In this blog, you’ll discover Eddie’s top strategies, from understanding your market to handling objections effectively. Whether you're new to the role or looking to refine your skills, these insights will help you improve your approach and drive better results.


Understanding the Niche Market and Buyer Personas

Eddie’s success isn’t just about tactics; it’s about understanding who he’s selling to. He worked in a niche market — the liquid waste management industry — and he took the time to know it inside and out.

How Eddie Approached His Niche:

  • Identify Your Target Audience: Eddie knew his ideal customers were in specific industries: portable toilet companies, roll-off dumpster businesses, and septic companies.
    Pro Tip: Define your own target market. Ask yourself: Who needs my product the most? Focus your efforts on these groups.
  • Map Out Buyer Personas: Eddie didn't just focus on decision-makers. He targeted multiple roles within a company, like operations managers, dispatch managers, and office managers.
    Actionable Tip: Create a simple map of your target personas. For each role, write down their main concerns and how your product solves their problems.
  • Tailor Your Messaging: Eddie knew that different personas have different needs. For smaller businesses, he emphasized time savings. For larger companies, he focused on features like inventory management.
    Quick Win: Adjust your messaging to speak directly to the pain points of each persona. Use specific language and examples that resonate with them.

Insight: Understand your audience deeply — their roles, needs, and challenges — and tailor your messaging accordingly. This approach can drastically improve your connection rates and engagement.


Mindset and Daily Habits of a Top SDR

Eddie’s daily routine is structured to maximize productivity and focus. He doesn’t leave his day to chance; he plans, executes, and reviews meticulously.

A Look into Eddie’s Daily Habits:

  • Start Strong: Eddie begins each day early, spending time with his family to set a positive tone. He quickly checks for inbound leads and prioritizes high-impact tasks.
    Morning Routine Checklist:some text
    • Review new inbound leads.
    • Prepare for the day’s calls.
    • Focus first on the most promising prospects.
  • Block Time for Prospecting and Breaks: Eddie blocks specific times for calls and follow-ups, interspersed with short breaks to stay fresh. He also dedicates time to prospecting in niche communities like Facebook groups.
    Pro Tip: Schedule focused blocks of time for different tasks (e.g., 30 minutes of calling, 10-minute break, 20 minutes of email outreach). Use a timer to keep on track.
  • Reflect and Adjust Daily: At the end of each day, Eddie reviews his performance — what worked, what didn’t, and how he can improve.
    Action Step: Use a simple reflection template:some text
    • What did I accomplish today?
    • What could have gone better?
    • What will I change for tomorrow?

Summary: Successful SDRs manage their time carefully, balance focused work with breaks, and make daily adjustments based on what they learn.


Effective Outreach Strategies and Techniques

Eddie's outreach is strategic and multi-channel. He knows how to engage prospects in a way that builds relationships and drives results.

Eddie’s Outreach Playbook:

  • Start with Influencers, Not Decision-Makers: Instead of immediately going for the top, Eddie starts with influencers — like operations or dispatch managers. This helps him gather insights and build internal advocates.
    Quick Tip: Begin with roles more likely to respond and who can provide valuable information about the company’s needs and challenges.
  • Use High-Connect Channels: Eddie focuses on cold calling, especially in his niche where the connect rate is high. He leverages every interaction to learn more about the prospect.
    Actionable Insight: Identify the best-performing channels for your audience. Double down on what works, and refine your approach constantly.
  • Craft a Flexible Multi-Channel Cadence: Eddie uses a mix of calls and emails over a three-week period to maintain consistent engagement without overwhelming the prospect.
    Pro Tip: Develop a multi-channel outreach cadence with various touchpoints — but be flexible. If a channel isn’t working, pivot quickly.

Remember: Effective outreach is about consistency, using multiple channels, and always being ready to adapt based on the data you collect.


Handling Common Objections and Overcoming Rejections

Eddie is a master at turning objections into opportunities. He knows how to dig deeper and address the root concerns of his prospects.

Top Objections Eddie Handles:

  • "We’re Too Small for This": Eddie asks follow-up questions to understand what “too small” really means. He explores their current process and uncovers pain points that his product could solve.
    Tactic: When faced with this objection, ask questions like, “How do you handle [specific task] currently?” This shows you’re interested in their situation, not just making a sale.
  • "We Use Spreadsheets or Pen and Paper": Eddie helps prospects see the limitations of their current methods by gently probing their challenges and inefficiencies.
    Approach: Instead of dismissing their methods, ask: “How do you manage [specific challenge] using spreadsheets? Are there any frustrations with this process?”

Takeaway: Objections aren’t rejections; they’re invitations to have a deeper conversation. Use them to learn more about your prospects and position your solution effectively.


Leveraging Tools and Resources for Continuous Improvement

Eddie knows that to stay competitive, you need the right tools and a commitment to ongoing learning.

Eddie’s Toolkit for Success:

  • Sales Engagement Platforms: Eddie uses these tools to organize his day, track his activities, and keep his pipeline moving.
    Recommendation: Fully leverage any sales engagement platform you use. Set reminders, keep detailed notes, and track all your interactions.
  • Podcasts and Webinars: Eddie listens to podcasts like "30 Minutes to President’s Club" and "Outbound Squad" to learn from experts in the field.
    Suggestion: Dedicate time weekly to listen to a podcast or attend a webinar. Pick topics that address your current challenges or areas you want to improve.

Final Thought: Use tools and resources not just to manage your day-to-day but to push your skills to the next level.


Building Strong Relationships with AEs and Team Members

Eddie excels in building relationships — not just with prospects, but with his own team.

How Eddie Builds Strong Internal Relationships:

  • Regular Debriefs with AEs: Eddie ensures that every handoff is seamless by providing AEs with all the context they need.
    Tip: Schedule regular debriefs with AEs to ensure alignment and share valuable insights about leads.
  • Collaborate with Your Team: Eddie frequently engages with his team to share strategies and learn from each other.
    Idea: Host informal sessions where team members can discuss wins, share challenges, and brainstorm solutions.

Insight: Internal collaboration is just as important as external outreach. Build strong relationships with your team to drive collective success.



Eddie Fang’s approach offers a roadmap for SDRs aiming for success. From mastering your daily habits to crafting effective outreach strategies and handling objections gracefully, Eddie’s insights provide actionable steps for growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand your market deeply.
  • Develop a structured daily routine.
  • Use objections as learning opportunities.
  • Leverage tools and resources for growth.
  • Build strong relationships within your team.

By applying these strategies, you can elevate your performance as an SDR and reach your full potential.